Satellite TV Authority
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunSatellite TV Authority or STVA (FIN - Satelliitti-TV-viranomainen - STVV) is TV Land authority controlling Satellites and Rebroadcasting of TV-Land television channels. At this time STVA is controlling next frequencies and transponders -
Name of Satellite | Transponder amount and available ch. amounts | Location | Scrambled? |
Senocera 1 | 3 transponders - 15 channels | 192° W | No, as it broadcasts Government controlled TV |
Senocera 2 | 10 transponders - 30 channels | 106° W | 80% yes, 20% no |
Kolme Kaljaa | 3 transponders - 9 channels | 60° E | Yes, used for official emergencies |
Senocera 4 | 24 transponders - 24 data channels | 90° N | Yes, used for EEW |
Senocera 5 | 5 transponders - 25 channels | 14° E | Differs on the channel |
Radio is broadcasting through Senocera 2 all scrambled.
Senocera 4 is used for EEW.
Officials are using Kolme Kaljaa (Three beers) for Citizen Alert System (aka Kansalaistiedote).